With summer wrapping up, you might find yourself and your children needing to make a few adjustments to get ready for the school year. We want to make this transition a smooth one, so we are inviting you to join a live Twitter discussion on back to school readiness! Day: Wednesday August 15, 2012 Time: […]
My two-year-old has a 10 p.m. bedtime. It happened gradually, over the summer. Longer, relaxed days, keeping up with her older siblings, and special outings and occasions have all pushed her usual 8 p.m. bedtime to this ridiculously late point. It’s gotta stop. I can picture us during the first week of school: bleary-eyed children […]
One day, your husband brings home another woman, saying, “I love you so much, honey, that I brought home another wife. We will share everything we have with her.” Flip the scenario if you’re a dad. You get the picture. Sounds horrible, right? That’s how our children feel when we bring home a new baby. […]
My friend Gina has these incredibly predictable twins who used to nap like clockwork. But after their second birthdays, everything went out the window. Poor Gina had fussy, overtired toddlers who refused to nap. Afternoons became a nightmare of whining and meltdowns. None of my four babies were predictable nappers, so I shared my Five […]
Infants are exploring the world and practicing new skills constantly. They are learning with all of their senses and using their whole bodies. When weighing your child care options, consider the many benefits that an educational infant program can help provide for your baby: Having the opportunity to socialize with other infants – he listens […]
ABC 2.0 – Your Toddler Can Type As parents, we’re proud when our kids learn to sing “A B C D E F G…” But in today’s digital world, we need the Alphabet Song version 2.0. It goes something like this: A S D F G H J K L ; …” What? Semicolon? Yes! […]
Brayden came to preschool one day feeling crabby, and was coming down with a cold. So when Sophie reached for his favorite truck, Brayden hit her. Their teacher separated them and sent Brayden home to rest. Sophie’s mom was understandably upset that Sophie had been hit. A few weeks later, Brayden bit another child when […]
Toothbrushing time at our house used to be so stressful that by the end of it, my teeth would be clenched as tightly as my toddlers.’ Here’s why: Toddlers are hardwired to resist people sticking anything into their mouths. It’s a protective measure Mother Nature created for our little ones’ safety. And sometimes, toddlers are […]
These Fantastic Firsts aren’t what you’re expecting. Sure, walking, talking, potty training, and the other usual milestones are impressive. But developmental experts really get excited about these lesser-known gems that display even more complex leaps in development: First “Conversation” (3-6 months): Those lovely back-and-forth exchanges of “oohs,” “aahs,” and sweet glances prove that your baby […]
Try one of these fun activities for school age children, perfect for the whole family! Let’s Make Soap What is Needed: 1-1/2 cup opaque soap base (available at health or craft stores) Knife 2 to 4 drops essential oil in preferred scent–orange is very refreshing (optional) 4 to 6 drops food coloring (optional) Mold – […]
Try these fun activities, great for preschool or Pre-K aged children! Who Doesn’t Like a Cookie? Anyone can get their game on to release a few sillies. AND who doesn’t like a cookie? So put this game and cookies together, and what do you get? Do this activity and you will find out. What is […]
These activities are great to do with a two year old! Grooming Our Pets What is Needed: Stuffed animals Combs, brushes, and ribbons & clips (optional) Doing the Activity: Get down on the floor with your two year old and bring out the stuffed animals, and brushes and combs. Tell your child that their […]