By Katie Serbinski, MS, RD April is a month where we celebrate all things green: Earth Day (April 22nd)and National Garden Week (the second week of April). While it’s easy for parents to understand and honor the environment, there’s a simple way you can carry this theme throughout your kitchen and straight to your family: eat […]
When it comes to discovery and adventure at home, one room stands apart as an enticing and delicious wonderland where your child can contribute and feel grown up. “Most children love to help in the kitchen, and can start as early as age two,” notes Nicole Spain, Registered Dietitian Nutritionist for our schools. “It’s a […]
Children are born with the gift of sensing language and social interaction rules in their environment. Before they use words, they cry and gesture to express meaning. They often understand the meanings of others as well. A child’s language development includes the skill to understand, listen to and speak to others. A child then develops […]
May 30 is “Water a Flower Day”! In honor of this special, springtime holiday, we’re created a bright infographic that shares fun facts about the beautiful sunflower. We also included instructions on how to plant one of your own! (Click the image to expand) Want to plant some yummy veggies to grow along with your […]
Movement is not only an essential tool for encouraging healthy habits in children, but it’s a really great way to build a child’s sense of self and to provide educational opportunities. We all know that the brain is the most important organ for cognition and learning. As parents and teachers, it’s our job to build, […]
By Alexa Bigwarfe My mom friends and I had one of the most fun playdates last Earth Day, packed with activities for kids and parents both. It was a fun opportunity to teach the kids about the earth, recycling, and even gardening. We made crafts and had a sensory experience through digging in dirt and […]
Make dining out more enjoyable for everyone by giving kiddos this healthy food-focused activity sheet to work on while everyone waits for their meals! Click the image below to open and print the PDF:
Create various activities with this kid-friendly grocery shopping list! Little ones can use it to spot items at the grocery store, or older kids can write out their own shopping list for recipes they want to cook. Click the image to open and print the PDF:
Learning math begins in infancy. It’s true. It all starts with seeing differences in objects and people. For example, when an infant begins to differentiate between Mommy’s face and a teacher’s face, or between the stuffed brown dog and the yellow cat, that’s the start of math learning. As toddlers, children begin to understand the […]
By Tésa Nicolanti As a tech blogger and a mom, I like to stay on top of the best tech gifts for kids. Over the years, we’ve reviewed a number of fantastic tech toys and with the holiday shopping season approaching, I’m excited to work with The Learning Care Group to share with you my […]
“What did you learn at school today?” It’s a question you’ve likely asked many times, only to find the answer is far less detailed than you’d like. We have a solution and it’s right in front of you: The Family Board! Look for it inside or near your child’s classroom, with lesson plans and details […]
These eight reader response questions are a fun way to interact with your little ones after they read “Bunny Cakes” in our schools today for Read for the Record Day! These questions will help your little one to: Understand the messages within the story Apply lessons from the book to their lives Enhance their ability […]