Let's learn together! Here you'll find a collection of our expert advice, simple tips, and fun suggestions to help you navigate the unique experience of parenthood.
National Reading Month, Read Across America Day and Nutrition Month were all cause for major celebration –Dr. Seuss style – at Childtime in Sacramento this week. Gold-medal Olympic swimmer Summer Sanders joined children at the school in reading “Oh, the Things You Can Do That Are Good For You” in honor of Dr. Seuss’ birthday. […]
Meet Ms. Tara, the lead pre-kindergarten teacher at our Childtime location in Snellville, GA! She has worked with students through seventh grade, but fell in love with teaching pre-k! She has been with Childtime for three years, so read on to learn more about her time with us and why she’s such an important part […]
Did we have you at “pizza” and “burger”? We thought so. Plus, this fusion of two mealtime favorites isn’t just delicious – it’s nutritious, too! Click the image below to view the full printable PDF.
Sometimes children ask us questions that make us uncomfortable and we are not sure how to answer. The topics of the children’s questions that we dread most are often the same ones many of us were taught to avoid talking about: sexuality, drugs, religion, politics, war and human suffering. There was a time when there […]
Watch your groundhog pop in and out of his burrow with this simple Groundhog Day craft! Materials: Styrofoam cup Popsicle stick Green, brown, black and white construction paper Wiggle eyes Glue Instructions Cut a medium-sized heart shape and two small rectangles with rounded tops out of the brown construction paper. Cut a small heart […]
It’s almost Valentine’s Day and for many people that means Date Night. But that can be challenging with kids. Sometimes you can’t find help or a babysitter when you need it. So, here’s our guide to navigate a family night out to celebrate Valentine’s Day. Be brave, be prepared—and have fun! Pick your restaurant wisely. […]
How many times have you told your children it’s too cold to go outside, or too wet, or too hot? We have probably all said it once or twice. Or, “You’re going to catch a cold if you don’t put on your coat and hat.” That’s why some parents have tucked away in a closet […]
It’s always important to help your child through significant life transitions and the end of a school year is a perfect example. Maybe your child is moving to a different classroom or attending camp with another teacher or counselor – why not help them mark the milestone. Here are a few ideas: Let your child […]
Forget about those old resolutions. This year, be bold and adventurous. Take the opportunity, as a family, to grow your horizons, to explore new experiences, and discover what’s out there. Here are a few ideas to get you started. Have fun creating your own list at home with your family. Be sure to try everything, […]
Your friend has a young daughter who makes her own snack and packs most of her lunch. Your sister’s 2-year-old son cleans up his dishes after dinner. How did these parents get so lucky? It isn’t luck—they’ve raised their children to make responsible choices. Teaching children how to take responsibility is not easy and takes […]
Meet Ms. Jessica, the Lead Infant Teacher at Childtime in Penfield, NY! She has worked at Childtime for four years and has years of experience as a nanny, as well as an education in childhood education. Read on to learn more about this fabulous member of our Childtime team! What’s special about teaching your […]
Have your little ones color these gift tags to add a personal touch to festive holiday gifts! Happy wrapping and happy holidays!