Let's learn together! Here you'll find a collection of our expert advice, simple tips, and fun suggestions to help you navigate the unique experience of parenthood.
A new study from Childtime and her sister schools reveals that the company has achieved three times growth in school readiness among its Pre-K students during the fall 2015-spring 2016 academic year. This is the second consecutive year that the Learning Care Group’s schools – which include Childtime, The Children’s Courtyard, Everbrook Academy, La Petite […]
Naturally, we need a whole day to celebrate this delicious syrup! We hope you can indulge in a bit of sweet maple syrup today, whether it’s on your pancakes, in a yummy recipe or as a candy. Now, here are some fun facts about maple syrup that you might not have known! (Click the image […]
Feeling tired? Stressed out? Tired of all the negativity in the world? Try doing something nice for a stranger. Scientific studies have revealed that there is a strong link between appreciation and random acts of kindness and overall good health. Never underestimate the impact of a single act of kindness. You may change just their […]
We all know the holiday season can be hectic, frantic, and over in a flash. This year, try slowing down a bit. Make time for simple things. Spend time with family, take a breath, enjoy yourself. Here are a few ideas to inspire your holiday happenings this year. Bake together. Find a traditional recipe from […]
‘Tis the Season of Kindness! Childtime and our sister schools nationwide, students are experiencing the valuable lessons of empathy and generosity. Our beloved holiday custom teaches children about giving back, paying it forward and sharing joy. From participating in food, coat and toy drives, to visiting “grandmas and grandpas” at senior centers, to sending letters […]
Meet Diana Fogleman, Assistant Director at Childtime on South Harrison Rd. in Tucson. Starting at our company more than eight years ago, Diana has worked her way up from infant teacher to lead teacher to assistant director – with several other positions in between. Read on to learn more about this fabulous member of our […]
A universal topic for all parents is sharing. Have you ever experienced these toddler’s “Rules for Living?” If I want it … it’s mine. If I had it … it’s mine. If I thought about touching it … it’s mine. If I might want it any time in the future … it’s mine. You get […]
During our annual Season of Kindness—and all year long—we work hard to create a strong sense of community at our school. We want children to learn about being good citizens and to get along well with others. Of course, this kind of learning can also continue at home. Throughout the year, you can have conversations […]
Toys can be valuable tools that teach children about themselves and the world. While most playrooms are filled to the ceiling with toys, many education experts actually believe that having a smaller amount of toys is more beneficial to children. With the holidays quickly approaching, parents are thinking about gifts. As a parent, you want […]
Happy Pumpkin Day! Did you know these interesting facts about this fabulous fall gourd?
Meet Ms. Ashley, a lead Kindergarten Prep teacher at our location on Eastern Ave. in Las Vegas, NV! She has worked for Childtime on and off for the past eight years and has 12 years of experience in the field. She’s our featured staff member for October, so be sure to check out our Q&A […]
By Katie Serbinski of Mom to Mom Nutrition The month of October is upon us, which means two things are popping up in stores near you: 1. Pumpkin spice flavored everything and 2. Halloween candy… Lots and lots of Halloween candy. Candy-centric holidays such as Halloween can be difficult to navigate when you’re a health […]