Our all-day program offers a kindergarten curriculum adapted for a younger age group; ensures a successful kindergarten transition. It’s another year of critical skill development before elementary school, with a focus on:
Our Junior Kindergarten classroom provides a positive environment for your child to spend additional time gaining essential academic and social-emotional skills to succeed in kindergarten. With a robust, comprehensive curriculum, we enable students to increase their knowledge about the world around them. Classroom activities explore the following subject areas:
Activities include naming all the letters (upper- and lowercase) in the alphabet, putting sounds in the right order, writing and reading short words, plus other early writing, reading, communication, and vocabulary.
Milestone: Names all letters of the alphabet, upper- and lowercase.
Desired Outcome: Students have the ability to name all 26 letters of the alphabet, upper- and lowercase.
Children receive an introduction to math concepts that they will explore more fully in kindergarten. There is both large and small group math instruction, daily math routines, and math workstations. Concepts such as numbers, sorting, ordering, and patterns are explored.
This subject features hands-on learning experiences for children to explore, discover, and investigate themes including Animals, Health and Feelings; Weather/Seasons; and Plant Life Cycles.
Milestone: Observing and Describing Living Things: Describes/draws the type of shelter used by familiar animals.
Let’s take a look at ourselves, our families, our community, and the big, wide world.
The ability to express themselves, their ideas, and their feelings, by engaging in experiences of music, movement, drama, and visual arts.
The ability to use fine and gross motor skills to explore their environment, as well as to deepen their understanding of health and nutrition.
To develop a positive learning process, it’s important for children to strengthen six Critical Learning Skills: self-regulation; the ability to follow routines; to sustain attention; to take different perspectives; to follow complex directions; and to communicate effectively.
Resolving Conflicts
We provide peace of mind to all of our families through comprehensive security and safety procedures and measures. That’s to protect the most important part of our school—your child.
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